Everyone should be able to enjoy potato salad without having to boil a tub of spuds. This lunchtime salad whips up in five minutes thanks to the ✨ microwave,✨ and its unbeatable tang comes from jewel-pink pickled red onion juice (once you've got a jar of this in your fridge, you'll be putting it (the onions AND the juice) in all your salads and slaws).
Quick-Pickled Red Onion:
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
1/2 cup water
1/2 tablespoon sugar
3/4 teaspoon kosher salt
Half a red onion, sliced
In a jar, dissolve the sugar and salt in the liquid, then add in the red onion. Keep it in the fridge overnight (or at least a couple hours), then strain out the liquid to keep for this and any other salads or slaws.
Potato Salad:
1 tbsp mayo
1 tsp pickled onion juice
1 tsp diced pickled onion
half a mini cucumber (chopped)
1 green onion (chopped)
any other crunchy bits ya like (radish, anyone?)
1. Microwave a medium potato for about 2.5 minutes.
2. Meanwhile, combine the other ingredients in a bowl.
2. Chop up the cooked potato, cool it, and mix it with the rest. There's lunch!